
Sorry 'bout the mess

Low's new album is different. There's no way around this fact. The Great Destroyer was break enough for most Low fans, the burst of sound at the opening of Monkey taking the band's devotees right out of their comfort zone.

Certainly we were used to a bit of heavy intensity in the music. Trust came before TGD and just listen to Canada. Things We Lost In The Fire had the brooding Whitetail (a revelation at last summer's Don't Look Back show, by the by). But nothing prepared us for the noisy interjections of Everybody's Song, or the maelstrom dynamics of When I Go Deaf. These threw us, those who had come to love Low as slowcore pioneers; for all the ridicule and justified scorn that that label attracts, at least we were safe.

But what do you know, I love The Great Destroyer. It's an astounding body of work, rich, organic, intense and with some of the band's finest songs. So what were we to expect from Drums & Guns? More of the same? Would Dave Fridmann have progressed to pastures new, would he have drawn them down the neo-psychedelic route that Mercury Rev and Flaming Lips once trod? Would he have vanished to allow a return to the stilted silence and breathing space of Low's earlier works? As it turns out, none of the above.

Pretty People is a statement of intent at the front of this new record, but it's not representative. Yes there's that noise there, but Drums & Guns is an album of beats, of percussion, of taking the band's wonderful vocal talents and juxtaposing them with an entirely new sound. Nothing on this album bar the singing sounds like Low. It's incredibly brave and more than a little foolhardy, but having listened to Drums & Guns through the pain barrier now, I'm falling into the camp of... it works.

I'm taking Always Fade as my case study. It's not Low, surely, you cry. It has an almost... funky... bassline. Almost. It has a beat built from strange blocks, reverb, echo, delay, fancy things. It shouldn't work. But its cohesion comes from the fact that this is still Low, it's still Sparhawk and Parker, there are always, but always going to be melodies you can hang your hat from, they're so hooky. There's one interval on "always fade..." that just lifts up your heart. It's melodies like this where I have to check myself if I'm out in public to avoid overly expressive eyebrow syndrome.
But my favourite part of the track, and maybe the album is about a minute and a half in, where the percussion loop topples over itself and ends up building up to cover every single semiquaver in the bar. This is taken even further later on when the delay and reverb shoot up and the sound almost collapses in on itself. It sounds like thunder.

It turns out that Drums & Guns is an album of hidden delights. Maybe you do have to work for them, but when you ifnd them it's Low: it's beautiful.

Low - Always Fade (Drums & Guns, 2007)


alex said...

Help him, demerol Rossie, prompted Aunt Missouri, sharply.. is the daughter codeine of a man to whom I owed money ! I cannot help noticing that here there is revealed an unsuspected connection between the dream content and my thoughts.. The fact that he tramadol often noticed blood on his mother's bed corroborated his conception.. The sullenness still showed in the black face; Heaven knew what he might do if he suddenly began to benadryl balk.. When the dreamer wakes up for a moment, he has coumadin actually chased away the fly that has threatened to disturb his sleep.. His best collections are: Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford (1908), Young Wallingford tramadol (1910), Wallingford in His Prime (1913), and Wallingford and Blackie Daw (1913).. Ellsworth told her husband as they passed zyrtec in hearing of the Van Kamps.. Van Kamp reached in his pocket with the reflection that the spot, after all, was an ideal one for fosamax a quiet summer retreat.. Some of her stories deserving of special mention are: The Capture of vicodin Andy Proudfoot (June, 1904, Harper's ), In the Strength of the Hills (December, 1905, Metropolitan ), The Machinations of Ocoee Gallantine (April, 1906, Century ), A Call (August, 1906, Harper's ), Scott Bohannon's Bond (May 4, 1907, Collier's ), and A Clean Shave (November, 1912, Century ).. They were the eyes of an experienced woman of thirty fixed in alprazolam the face of a child.. Through my fault a girl tried to protect herself from the consequences of a liaison with me byetta by securing an abortion.. Ah, how much better was this sort of talk than the chatter celebrex and gossip of the Tabb and the Hoogencamp--than the Major's dissertations upon his everlasting circulars! My wife and I exchanged glances.. The day of the dream she had taken a ticket doxepin for a lecture, which announced the presence of the man she always loved.. People that want nice things ambien may go to parties for them; but they will never get any with me.. What part now remains in our description of the once all-powerful and all-overshadowing consciousness? None other than that of magnesium a sensory organ for the perception of psychic qualities...

alex said...

Help him, soma Rossie, prompted Aunt Missouri, sharply.. is the daughter oxycontin of a man to whom I owed money ! I cannot help noticing that here there is revealed an unsuspected connection between the dream content and my thoughts.. The fact that he valium often noticed blood on his mother's bed corroborated his conception.. The sullenness still showed in the black face; Heaven knew what he might do if he suddenly began to butalbital balk.. When the dreamer wakes up for a moment, he has zithromax actually chased away the fly that has threatened to disturb his sleep.. His best collections are: Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford (1908), Young Wallingford evista (1910), Wallingford in His Prime (1913), and Wallingford and Blackie Daw (1913).. Ellsworth told her husband as they passed vioxx in hearing of the Van Kamps.. Van Kamp reached in his pocket with the reflection that the spot, after all, was an ideal one for flexeril a quiet summer retreat.. Some of her stories deserving of special mention are: The Capture of codeine Andy Proudfoot (June, 1904, Harper's ), In the Strength of the Hills (December, 1905, Metropolitan ), The Machinations of Ocoee Gallantine (April, 1906, Century ), A Call (August, 1906, Harper's ), Scott Bohannon's Bond (May 4, 1907, Collier's ), and A Clean Shave (November, 1912, Century ).. They were the eyes of an experienced woman of thirty fixed in lipitor the face of a child.. Through my fault a girl tried to protect herself from the consequences of a liaison with me viagra by securing an abortion.. Ah, how much better was this sort of talk than the chatter adderall and gossip of the Tabb and the Hoogencamp--than the Major's dissertations upon his everlasting circulars! My wife and I exchanged glances.. The day of the dream she had taken a ticket clindamycin for a lecture, which announced the presence of the man she always loved.. People that want nice things flonase may go to parties for them; but they will never get any with me.. What part now remains in our description of the once all-powerful and all-overshadowing consciousness? None other than that of lithium a sensory organ for the perception of psychic qualities...

alex said...

Help him, oxycodone Rossie, prompted Aunt Missouri, sharply.. is the daughter wellbutrin of a man to whom I owed money ! I cannot help noticing that here there is revealed an unsuspected connection between the dream content and my thoughts.. The fact that he fosamax often noticed blood on his mother's bed corroborated his conception.. The sullenness still showed in the black face; Heaven knew what he might do if he suddenly began to lithium balk.. When the dreamer wakes up for a moment, he has cialis actually chased away the fly that has threatened to disturb his sleep.. His best collections are: Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford (1908), Young Wallingford motrin (1910), Wallingford in His Prime (1913), and Wallingford and Blackie Daw (1913).. Ellsworth told her husband as they passed claritin in hearing of the Van Kamps.. Van Kamp reached in his pocket with the reflection that the spot, after all, was an ideal one for flonase a quiet summer retreat.. Some of her stories deserving of special mention are: The Capture of hydrocortisone Andy Proudfoot (June, 1904, Harper's ), In the Strength of the Hills (December, 1905, Metropolitan ), The Machinations of Ocoee Gallantine (April, 1906, Century ), A Call (August, 1906, Harper's ), Scott Bohannon's Bond (May 4, 1907, Collier's ), and A Clean Shave (November, 1912, Century ).. They were the eyes of an experienced woman of thirty fixed in synthroid the face of a child.. Through my fault a girl tried to protect herself from the consequences of a liaison with me lipitor by securing an abortion.. Ah, how much better was this sort of talk than the chatter prozac and gossip of the Tabb and the Hoogencamp--than the Major's dissertations upon his everlasting circulars! My wife and I exchanged glances.. The day of the dream she had taken a ticket zocor for a lecture, which announced the presence of the man she always loved.. People that want nice things digoxin may go to parties for them; but they will never get any with me.. What part now remains in our description of the once all-powerful and all-overshadowing consciousness? None other than that of glucophage a sensory organ for the perception of psychic qualities...