
Let's get one thing straight: when I post on October 10th about Christmas, it's a joke. Early = bad. Early = not something Simone deals with well. This can be attested by anybody who's seen me before, say 10am any given day. So I look with disgust on those people firing off rockets and assorted crackly fireworks this evening. Why? Who knows.
It's not Diwali yet: this begins on 21st this year. Festival of Lights = good excuse for fireworks, but its not yet.
It's not Eid yet: this is scheduled for roughly 23rd, so there's a good week or so to go yet.
It's not Halloween: Halloween is a rubbish excuse for fireworks anyway, and it's certainly not 31st yet.
It's not Bonfire Night: how this translates to American I'm not sure, but celebrating somebody not blowing up politicians seems as perverse, and therefore as good, an excuse for pyrotechnical fun as any. Fire and fireworks, it's all good, but: it's not 5th November yet.
It's not Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, or any other made up greetings-card festival yet, so put your fireworks away, some people have to get up for work tomorrow.
A song with fireworks in.
The Music
Magnétophone - Rae & Suzette
The 'fo
Artist: Magnétophone
Label: 4AD
Recommended: The Man Who Ate The Man
Buy: Amazon
More: Hype Machine
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Tags: Magnetophone; fireworks; bonfire night; Guy Fawkes; Eid; Diwali; Halloween
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